Kevin Campos - Backend Microservices Portfolio App


This webpage showcases a "Timestamp Microservice" project, enabling users to retrieve timestamps using either Unix time or a date format. It offers example usage and output, along with links for testing specific dates or Unix timestamps.

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This webpage introduces the "Request Header Parser Microservice" API project, which retrieves the IP address, preferred languages, and system information of the user's device from the request headers. It provides example usage and output, demonstrating how to access the endpoint and the corresponding data format returned.

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This webpage showcases the "URL Shortener Microservice" project, allowing users to input a URL and receive a corresponding shortcode. It provides a form for URL submission, displays example usage of the endpoint, and highlights data erasure from the database every 5 minutes.

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This is a user interface for interacting with the "Exercise Tracker Microservice" project. It includes forms for creating a new user, adding exercises for a user, and retrieving all users. Additionally, it provides information about accessing a user's exercise log through GET requests with optional parameters.

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"File Metadata Microservice" API project, allowing users to upload files and receive relevant metadata. Files are erased from the backend database every minute. The output includes details such as the file name, type, and size in JSON format.

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